The Mental Wellness Company®

Votre bien-être mental

Amare Global s’engage à promouvoir une distinction claire entre le bien-être mental et les troubles de la santé mentale. Nous insistons sur le fait que le bien-être mental est un état holistique de bien-être mental qui ne doit pas être assimilé ou confondu avec les troubles de santé mentale. Si vous ou quelqu’un de votre entourage êtes aux prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale tels que la dépression, des idées d’automutilation ou autres, contactez rapidement un professionnel de santé qualifié pour obtenir une aide immédiate. Votre bien-être est fondamental, et demander de l’aide est un pas courageux vers un avenir meilleur et plus sain.


To create a holistic mental wellness platform of products, programs, and people.

Core Values

Love yourself – your body, mind and spirit – and loving others will follow.

Every aspect of our products and business practices show the integrity the Amare Global community was founded upon.

We seek the latest advancements in health and technology, knowing innovation drives success.

The greatest joy in life comes from serving others.

It feels good to do your best as a small part of the bigger picture.


Lead the global mental wellness movement.

Where Does “Amare” Come From?

“Amare” means “to love” in Latin, and love is the universal language. Yet, in order to truly love others, we believe you must first start by loving yourself.

Our vision at Amare is to lead the global mental wellness revolution. By inspiring people to love and believe in themselves, we envision they will live an extraordinary life and make a difference for others.


What is Mental Wellness?

It’s Everything.

Équilibre mental
Mental Fitness
Résistance au stress
Stress Resilience
Performances physiques
Physical Performance
Bien-être financier
Financial Wellness

Our Platform

Growing up, most of us were educated about ways to take care of our physical health. But very few were educated on how to take care of our mental health. That changes now.

Amare’s platform of products, programs, and people is designed to optimize your mental wellness so you can live a life full of vigor, positivity and performance.

Our Brand

The Amare brand, illustrated through our logo, represents community, love, support, connections, empowerment, health and happiness. Similar to how people connect to build the space of friendship and love, the simple letters 'a' in our logo are composed to create a new form and take on new meaning. There are no particular objects, only symbols. Soft natural lines and shapes, complete the symbol like a spring blossom.

Owner & Chairman

David C. Chung stands at the forefront of mental wellness innovation as the Owner & Chairman of Amare Global. With over a quarter-century of expertise in research and development, operational excellence, and premium brand cultivation, Chung has become synonymous with groundbreaking contributions in his field.

En savoir plus

Équipe de direction

Asma Ishaq

Directrice Générale

Jonée Woodard

Chief Operations Officer 

Marc Juan Lopez

Directeur financier

Chris Beck

Chief Information Officer

Kent Wood

Directeur de l’exploitation et directeur financier

Felicity Sissener

Directrice marketing 

Julie Hunter

Responsable de la conformité

Rich Higbee

Directeur général des Amériques 

Amare Awards and Accolades

Amare Global’s flagship gut-brain axis nutrition system, the Amare FundaMentals Pack, won the prestigious 2018 NutrAward for Best New Finished Product.

The NutrAward recognizes companies that are investing in rigorous and measurable scientific studies to prove the efficacy of their proprietary ingredients or technologies.

For more information, check out our Press Releases.

Amare Awards

2018 NutrAward for Best Finished Product for Amare FundaMentals Pack®

Other Award Nominations

Amare Awards
Finalist for 2018 NutraIngredients-USA Botanical of the Year for Mood+

Finalist for 2018 NutraIngredients-USA StartUp of the Year
Amare Awards
Finalist for 2019 NutraIngredients-USA Probiotic Product of the Year for Kids FundaMentals
Amare Awards
Finalist for 2019 NutraIngredients-USA StartUp of the Year