Amare Global Privacy Policy


Our Privacy Policy (together with our Terms of Use) has been developed as an extension of our commitment to combine quality products and services with integrity in dealing with users. The Policy is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect, use, and protect the personal information provided to us in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and any other applicable national implementing laws, regulations, and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time, in the UK (Data Protection Legislation). This Privacy Policy is applicable only to our websites and not to any third-party websites that may link to or from this website. Such linked websites may have data collection, storage, and use practices and policies that differ materially from our data collection, storage, and use practices and policies as set forth in this Privacy Policy.


Amare Global Europe AB and its Affiliates1 (“Amare Global”, “Amare”, “we”, “us”, “our”, or the “Company”) is a supplier of food and nutritional supplements. For the purpose of the Data Protection Legislation, we are the “data controller”, and we are required to notify you of the information contained in this document.


We may use your personal data as necessary to fulfill a contract with you, such as for processing or completing orders for our products or services, and to adhere to our legal responsibilities.

Your personal data might also be processed for our legitimate interests, provided these interests do not infringe upon your rights, interests, and freedom that necessitate the protection of personal data. This can involve processing for marketing, business development, management, as well as for statistical and research activities, which may encompass transaction analysis and the creation of marketing profiles. Should we base our processing on legitimate interests, you are entitled to object, particularly if your specific situation leads you to oppose this processing, or if it is for direct marketing. In these cases, the legal foundation for processing is Art. 6. 1.f) of the UK GDPR.

In certain cases, with your explicit consent, we may process your personal data for additional purposes. Where consent is necessary, we will explicitly ask for it at the relevant time, and you have the right to withdraw this consent at any point (refer to the ‘Right to Withdraw Consent’ section for more details). Here, the legal basis for processing your data for these purposes is outlined in Art. 6. 1.a) of the UK GDPR.

Please be aware that depending on the specific reason for using your data, it may be processed on more than one lawful basis. We may use your personal information to optimize the presentation of content on our website, send you the latest updates about our company, events, and product specials, gather your feedback on our services, fulfill obligations from any agreements with you (including processing and updating you on your product order status), enable your participation in interactive features of our service when you choose to do so, and inform you about changes to our products or services. These activities are conducted in accordance with Art. 6. 1.a), Art. 6. 1.b), and Art. 6. 1.f) of the UK GDPR, depending on whether they are based on your consent, necessary for the performance of a contract, or aligned with our legitimate interests.


When you visit our site, we collect two types of information: personal information you actively choose to disclose (“Active Information”) and information not visible to you that arises out of your browsing of our site (“Passive Information”). Please note that Passive Information is collected on an aggregate and anonymous basis. The legal basis for processing is either, in case you give us your consent, Art. 6 para. 1 a) GDPR, or in all other cases, Art. 6 para. 1 f) UK GDPR.

We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which we collected it. If we need to use your personal information for unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis of which we are allowed to do so.

  1. Personally Identifiable Information

Personally Identifiable Information is information that identifies and is reasonably linked to you. Such information includes, without limitation: (1) “Contact Data” (such as your name, mailing address and e-mail address); (2) “Demographic Data” (such as your age, gender and date of birth); and (3) “Financial Data” (such as your credit/debit card number and expiration date). We will also keep records of your transaction history. We do not collect Personally Identifiable Information from you through this Website without first asking you to provide it. The Website does not gather Personally Identifiable Information from you without your knowledge. We use your financial information, such as a bank account or credit card number ONLY for billing purposes (on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 b) UK GDPR).

If you fail to provide certain information when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have entered with you, or we may not comply with our legal obligations.

  1. Registration

    When you register to become an authorized reseller of our products or services (an “Independent Brand Partner”) or when you register to become a Preferred Customer or other registered customer, we will collect Personally Identifiable Information (such as name, address, email address, telephone number, credit/debit card information, and your Social Security, TIN or VAT number, as applicable). This Personally Identifiable Information is securely stored and may be accessed on our website. You are assigned an identification number and select your own password – both are needed to enter the Site and to access your Contact Information. Please safeguard your password in a secure location as we are not responsible for breaches into the system when access is willingly provided.

  2. Ordering

    When you place an order for products or services, we collect Personally Identifiable Information (such as name, contact and billing information, credit card, and other transactional information). We use this information to deliver your order, process payment, and to communicate the status of your order.

  3. Credit and Debit Card Storage

    Credit and debit card information collected at registration or for product orders is used only to process payment for the transaction and, generally, is not retained on our Site. However, you may voluntarily elect to securely store multiple credit cards to be used for payment for product orders and/or payment of registration and registration renewal fees.

  4. Surveys and Promotions

    Occasionally, you may voluntarily provide Personally Identifiable Information to complete surveys and questionnaires or to participate in user polls. We use this information to improve our products and services and to ensure that we’re providing accurate disclosures. We may also use your Personally Identifiable Information to provide you newsletters and other marketing information that coincide with your preferences. You may customize your marketing preferences, or let us know if you do not wish to receive any promotional materials, by contacting us at, or by adjusting your Subscriptions & Email options on the Site.

Transferring Your Personal Information Outside the EU

We may store and process your personal information in any country where we operate, including the USA, which lies outside the UK. Although the USA does not offer the same level of personal data protection as the UK, we commit to handling your personal data in accordance with UK data protection laws as a data controller.

It is common for our external third-party data processors to be located outside the UK, necessitating the transfer of your personal data beyond UK borders.

We ensure the transfer of your personal data outside the UK is conducted securely and in line with UK data protection standards by establishing valid contractual agreements with recipients and implementing at least one of the following safeguards:

  • We only transfer personal data to countries recognized by the UK government as providing an adequate level of data protection.
  • For certain service providers, we utilize specific contracts endorsed by the UK government that afford personal data the same level of protection as in the UK.
  • For providers in the US, we might use these UK-approved contracts or transfer data to entities that are part of the UK-U.S. Privacy Shield, which mandates comparable protections for personal data shared between the UK and the US.

For more details on the mechanisms we employ for transferring your personal data out of the UK, please reach out to our Data Protection Officer, and/or visit the following websites:

  • UK Adequacy Decisions (
  • UK Standard Contractual Clauses (
  • Privacy Shield Framework (

Active Information You Choose to Provide

In order to gain use of the site (become a “user”), we require you to disclose the following information: Name, Address and Phone Number

We use secure socket layer (SSL) encryption to protect the transmission of the information you submit to us when you use our secure online forms. The information you provide to us is stored securely.

  1. Passive Information

We store and collect various types of passive information on an aggregate and anonymous basis. This information may include such technical information as it pertains to your Internet protocol address, your device operating system and browser type, cookies, and an address of a referring website or any other path you take to reach our website all described in greater detail below.

Aggregate Information

This refers to information that does not, by itself, identify you as a specific individual. Such information would include the Uniform Resource Locator (“URL”) of the website that referred you to our Site, your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address (a number automatically assigned to your computer whenever you surf the web), your operating system and browser type, and any search terms that you enter on our Site. Our web server aggregates this information in order to monitor the level of activity on our Site, evaluate its effectiveness, and improve the content or our Site in order to make your visit an easy and enjoyable experience.

We may collect, compile, store, publish, promote, report, or otherwise disclose or use any Aggregate Information, provided that such information does not personally identify you. We do not correlate any Personally Identifiable Information with the Aggregate Information that we collect on our Site. If we do correlate any Aggregate Information to you, it will be protected like any other Personally Identifiable Information under this Privacy Statement.


We may receive information about you such as contact information and demographics information from other sources. In addition, we may combine information you give us with information from these sources. The types of information and sources of such information include without limitation the following categories:

  • Vendors. We may receive contact information and demographic information that you provide to or through our vendors, such as through our email and text message campaigns.
  • Your Amare Global Independent Brand Partner (if applicable). Information such as account or demographic information that is submitted by your Amare Global Independent Brand Partner on your behalf.
  • Payment Service Providers. Payment information such as updated credit card number and expiration dates from your bank or credit card company which we use to keep our records current and service you better.
  • Delivery Service Providers. Delivery details such as updated delivery, contact information, and address information from our carriers or other third parties which we use to keep our records current, process orders, deliver your next purchase, and service you better.
  • Social Media Services. Information that you publicly post on our and your social media pages (e.g., our Facebook®, Instagram®, and Twitter® pages), such as your contact and demographic information, such as likes, interests, preferences, comments, suggestions, and opinions, general feedback, and content.
  • Other Third-Party Sources (Including Data Aggregators and Public Databases). Transactional data from third party purchases; contact information, demographics information, including profile data; information about products or services purchased from other companies.


Cookies are a feature of web browser software that allows web servers to recognize the computer used to access a site. They are small pieces of data stored by a user’s browser to simplify subsequent interactions with the site. This makes it easier for a user to move from site to site and to complete transactions over the Internet. Cookies should make your online experience easier and more personalized.

Our site utilizes cookies to collect information about how our site is used. Passive Information gathered may include the date and time of visits, the site pages viewed, time spent at our site, the sites visited just before and just after visiting our site.

Session and Persistent cookies2 do not collect personal information.


Broadly speaking, persons we employ directly, or as contractors or agents at our direction, use Active Information for purposes of administering our core business functions, such as the fulfillment of orders or services, the furnishing of customer care and support, and supplying the availability of other products or services we think might be of interest to our users.

We use Passive Information to gather information about our users and to enhance our site to make it easier, faster and friendlier for users. Additionally, cookies help us better understand the usage pattern of the people that visit our site, which helps us improve our services. Passive Information may result in your viewing of particular advertising based on your user habits.

We reserve the right to use Active and Passive Information in order to prevent, detect and investigate fraud, security breaches, or any other potentially prohibited or illegal activity.

We may use any Active Information or Passive Information provided to contact you about various changes to our site, new services, features or products we offer. If at any time you do not wish to receive such information, you may “opt-out” of doing so by adjusting your email settings in the back office of the website.

Your Information Relating to Hyperlinks

You might be able to access other websites through our site via hyperlinks. When you do so, you are subjecting yourself to their privacy policies and data collection. Please read the privacy policies of those sites to ensure you agree with the terms before using such sites.

Sharing of Personally Identifiable Information with Third Parties – Our Disclosure Practices

Except under the following circumstances and otherwise as set forth in this Privacy Policy, we will keep your Personally Identifiable Information private and will not sell it or share it with third parties.

  • Disclosure in Connection with Services. We will disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to those who provide services to us in the operation of our business such as the performance of technical, administrative and data processing tasks such as hosting, billing, fulfillment, and data storage and security.
  • By Law or to Protect Rights. We disclose Personally Identifiable Information when required to do so by law, or in response to a subpoena or court order, or when we believe in our sole discretion that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect our property or rights or the property or rights of third parties or the public at large.
  • Legally Required Law Enforcement, Judicial and Administrative Agency Disclosures. We will disclose Personally Identifiable Information as necessary to comply with judicial and administrative orders, subpoenas, Civil or Criminal Investigative Demands, Administrative and Regulatory Demands and other legal obligations. In order for us to conduct business in certain jurisdictions, we may be required to disclose certain Personally Identifiable Information to regulatory authorities in such jurisdictions. Such information may include, but is not limited to, income information, name, address, email address, and other contact information.
  • Fraud Prevention. We may share Personal Information necessary to the prevention of fraud, illegal activities, and security breaches. Because of this, it’s possible some of your personal information may be shared with fraud prevention agencies. If false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified, details of this fraud may be passed on to these agencies.
  • Business Transfers; Bankruptcy. We reserve the right to transfer all Personally Identifiable Information in our possession to a successor organization in the event of a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy or other sale of all or a portion of our assets. Other than to the extent ordered by a bankruptcy or other court, the use and disclosure of all transferred Personally Identifiable Information will be subject to this Privacy Policy, or to a new privacy policy if you are given notice of that new privacy policy and an opportunity to affirmatively opt-out of it. Personally Identifiable Information submitted or collected after a transfer, however, may be subject to a new privacy policy adopted by a successor organization.
  • Unpaid Accounts. If you fail to pay any balance owed to us for products ordered or services that we provide to you, we may, as permitted by law, report your Personally Identifiable Information, including without limitation your unpaid balance, to consumer credit reporting services, collection agencies and others.
  • Lead Assignment. We occasionally will assign prospective sales and prospective Brand Partner and Preferred Customer leads to Independent Brand Partners. In these cases, we will provide the prospective customer, Preferred Customer, or Brand Partner with the appropriate Brand Partner’s name and contact information and/or provide a Brand Partner with the prospective customer’s, Preferred Customer’s or Brand Partner’s name and contact information. Therefore, if you join Amare Global as a Brand Partner or as a Preferred Customer, or if you register as a customer and order products, and you were not introduced by a Brand Partner, your contact information will be shared with a Brand Partner selected by us. Likewise, if you are a Brand Partner and you have a new Brand Partner, Preferred Customer, or other customer assigned to you, your contact information will be shared with such individual.
  • Brand Partner Locator Feature. We have a Brand Partner Locator feature on our website. Pursuant to this feature, a prospective customer or prospective Brand Partner can locate a nearby Brand Partner. In order to make the Brand Partner Locator feature and the lead assignments effective, the company will provide the prospective customer or prospective Brand Partner with the appropriate Brand Partner’s name and contact information, which may include his/her telephone number, address, and/or email address.
  • Downline Activity/Genealogy Reports. Amare Global is a network marketing company. Therefore, we provide certain information to Brand Partners regarding other Brand Partners and Preferred Customers and other registered customers enrolled in a Brand Partner’s downline marketing organization (sales team). To help Brand Partners manage their independent businesses, we provide our Brand Partners with some of the Personally Identifiable Information of the other Brand Partners whom they have personally sponsored/enrolled as well as other Brand Partners who are on their marketing teams. If you enroll as a Brand Partner or register as a Preferred Customer or other customer, your name, address, telephone number, and email address, as well as data relating to your sales, purchases, and recruitment activity may be disclosed to the Brand Partner who sponsored you and to other Brand Partners who are upline to the Brand Partner who sponsored/enrolled you. When enrolling, you have the choice of limiting the Personal Information about you that is shared. Such information is shared via the Brand Partner Back-Office. Information relating to downline Brand Partners is made available to upline Brand Partners subject to a confidentiality and non-solicitation covenant in the agreement that each Brand Partner enters into with us. However, we do not warrant that Brand Partners will adhere to the confidentiality and non-solicitation covenants, and we shall not be responsible for any Brand Partners’ violation of these covenants. By enrolling as a Brand Partner or registering as a Preferred Customer or other customer, you consent to the disclosure of your Personally Identifiable Information as described in this paragraph.
  • Surveys Conducted by Third Parties. It may become necessary to conduct surveys of our customers or Brand Partners. Should we deem it necessary to conduct a survey, we may outsource the survey to a third party. In that event we will provide the third-party survey company with certain of your Personally Identifiable information as is necessary for the third-party survey company to conduct the survey and to those third parties whom we engage to review and analyze the results of the survey. We will not provide your social security number, credit card or banking information to the survey provider.


If you've expressed interest in receiving our emails or have made a purchase from us without opting out of marketing messages, we may contact you with marketing content via email. You're always free to change your preferences or opt out of marketing communications by using the unsubscribe link found in all our marketing emails.

Our marketing messages provide updates on our latest and existing products or services, exclusive deals that may interest you, and other offerings that could be beneficial for you.

It's important to remember that opting out of marketing emails won't stop service-related communications, such as order confirmations or updates, which are essential for us to fulfill our contractual obligations to you.

If you decide to stop receiving marketing emails, we'll record your personal information and request to ensure you're excluded from future mailings.


Finally, we may disclose anonymous information about user habits to third party advertisers on our site.


We secure your personal information submitted by you by using reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, or accidental loss of Active and Passive Information. Individual postings on this site and other communications to our office via email or standard mail may not be secure unless we advise you that security measures are in place prior to your submission of information. Therefore, if you choose to communicate with us through these means, you are assuming the risk of doing so and we respectfully request that you do not send or post sensitive information through these means.

Protecting Your Information

We acknowledge your trust and are committed to take reasonable steps to protect Personally Identifiable Information provided from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access. We employ physical, electronic, and managerial processes to safeguard and secure your information.

It is your responsibility to safeguard the password you use to access our Site and to promptly advise us if you ever suspect that your password has been compromised. We strongly encourage you to change your password regularly to prevent unauthorized access. Because your identification number and password are specific to you, you acknowledge sole responsibility for any and all use of our Site conducted with your identification number and password.

Links to Other Websites

Links to third-party websites may be provided solely for your information and convenience or to provide additional shopping for various other goods and services through our Merchant and Services Partners. If you use these links, you will leave our Site. This Privacy Statement does not cover the information practices of those websites nor do we control their content or privacy policies. We suggest that you carefully review the privacy policies of each site you visit.

Children’s Privacy Protection

We take special care to protect the privacy needs of children and encourage parents to be an active participant in their child’s online activities. We strictly do not gather, use, or share information from individuals under the age of 18. Those younger than 18 are not permitted to use our services, and we strongly advise against minors under 18 providing us with any personal, sensitive, or financial details. If you are under 18, you may only access Amare Goblal’s site with the consent of a parent or legal guardian.

Should we discover the acquisition of personal data from someone under the age of 18, we will promptly undertake measures to eliminate that information. If you know of any instance where a child under 18 has shared personal information with us, please contact us immediately at

Data Retention

We will keep your personal data only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, with the retention period being influenced by the type and length of your relationship with us. When determining how long to retain personal data, we take into account the volume, type, and sensitivity of the data, the risk of harm from unauthorized access or sharing, the reasons we process your personal data and if those objectives can be met by other means, along with any legal obligations we must fulfill.

Under certain conditions, Amare Global may choose to anonymize or pseudonymize your personal data, rendering it unable to be linked back to you. In such cases, Amare Global reserves the right to use this information without additional notification to you.


Updating Your Information

Ensuring that we have your correct and current personal information is crucial. Please inform us of any changes to your personal information that we should be aware of.

Under the law, you are granted several rights regarding your personal information. You:

  • can request to see the personal information we hold about you to verify our lawful processing and ask us to correct any personal information that is incomplete or incorrect.
  • have the right to request the deletion of your personal information when there's no compelling reason for its continued processing, or if you've objected to our processing. If we process your data based on legitimate interests and your specific situation leads you to oppose this processing, you have the right to object. This also applies to objecting to our processing of your data for direct marketing.
  • can request that we temporarily stop processing your personal information, for instance, while we verify its accuracy or the reasons for processing it and you can for your personal information to be transferred to another entity.

To exercise any of these rights, please reach out to our Data Protection Officer using the provided contact information.

For requests that are clearly unfounded or excessive, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act on the request.

We may ask you for specific information to confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your data (or to exercise any other rights). This is a security measure to ensure personal information is not disclosed to anyone unauthorized.

Right to Withdraw Consent

Under certain conditions, such as with direct marketing activities you've agreed to receive from us, you might have given us your consent to use, process, and share your personal information for specific reasons. Should you decide to retract this consent for any particular use, you have every right to do so.

You're welcome to withdraw your consent at any moment by getting in touch with us through the contact information provided below. After we're notified of your decision to withdraw consent, we will cease to use your information for the initially consented purposes, unless we possess another legal justification for its processing.

Recourse, Enforcement and Liabality

Amare Global has established procedures for periodically verifying implementation of and compliance with the GDPR principles. We conduct an annual self-assessment of our practices with respect to Personal Data to verify that representations we make about our Personal Data privacy practices and true and that related privacy policies have been implemented as represented.

Dispute Resolution

Covered Persons with a compliant about Amare Global’s UK GDPR compliance should submit that complaint via email to In the event that a Covered Person is not satisfied with our resolution of the complaint, they may contact EU/UK Data Protection authorities. Contact details for the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) can be found at:

Contact details for the EU Data Protection authorities can be found at:

How to contact us

Please address any question or concern regarding our Privacy Policy or our practices concerning Personal Data by contacting us through email at:

or writing to:

Attention Privacy Department

Amare Global Europe AB
Landskronavägen 27 A
252 32 Helsingborg


The Amare Global’s Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time in compliance with the requirements of the UK GDPR and other relevant legal principles. Any updates or changes to the terms of this Privacy Policy will be posted on our Site and the date of the newest version posted below. Please check back frequently, especially before you submit any Personally Identifiable Information at our Site, to see if this Privacy Statement has changed. By using our Site, you acknowledge acceptance of this Privacy Statement in effect at the time of use. When material changes or amendments are made to the Privacy Policy, we will announce the same at our home page for a period of 30 days following implementation of the amended Privacy Policy.


Online Privacy Policy Only. Except as otherwise specifically addressed herein, this Privacy Policy applies only to information collected through the Website. It does not apply to information collected offline.


The effective date of this Privacy Policy is August 22, 2024.